Monday, May 10, 2010

One hit at a time

There are many methods on how to remove plaster. However, they all have a common point: the plaster comes down one hit at a time. This is the style I found to work best for me (Trent does it differently since he has a little more muscle:)

The first step is to hit the wall as hard as possible.

The second step is to pull the wood strips off (paying careful attention to avoid the 100 year old rusty nails that are flying past).

If any contractors are reading this, now is not the time to tell me there is an easier way.


  1. I hope you're drinking protein shakes and eating a lot of extra chocolate because that is a helluva workout!

  2. You go girl! Show that wall who's boss!

  3. Ok so there's not a lot of power in that punch but you certainly ain't a quitter!!! Go girl!!

  4. I happen to KNOW that Trent is HIGHLY alergic to poison ivy! Saw the pic of Trent pulling it off the base of the house. How ARE you, Dear Son?
