Friday, May 17, 2013

The Project Couple Goes Corporate

Okay - we're not exactly going corporate.  It's more like The Project Couple goes LLC (it just doesn't sound quite as cool).  This week we made a purchase of a different kind of project.  Instead of purchasing a home that needed a makeover, we purchased a business that needs a makeover.  1703 E Main Street, Niles, MI currently houses 96 storage units (of various sizes).  The facility is just a little over 10 years old, but needs some TLC.  While this project won't allow me to pick out new appliances and paint colors, I'm confident there will be plenty of decisions to be made in the near future.

Q & A Time:

Q.  Did you just buy it?  Today?  What?  Who does that?
A.  No, silly.  We've been in discussion for the past couple of years.  We've researched other storage facilities and chatted with lots of people in the biz.  We've considered profits, losses and everything in between.

Q.  Are either you or Trent quitting your jobs?
A.  Um, no.  We need our income to get this project up and running.  There will be no quitting of the jobs ANY time in the near future.  This is purely a project...much like our house projects have been.  We expect it to take about the same amount of evening/weekend time that those projects have required.

Q.  What is the storage facility called?
A.  It had a name/sign/logo/etc from the previous owners.  However, effective today it is called (drum roll), "Sheridan Blue Storage."  There will be a new sign, new logo, new phone number, new website, new everything....within 3-4 days.

Q.  Do you have any open units to rent out?
A.   Why YES!  While many of the units are filled currently, there are some still open (and we would LOVE to rent them).

Q.  Did you do all this just to try and be on "Storage Wars?"
A.  Absolutely not.  However, I wouldn't turn down an invite if the producer called us up today.

Q.  So, are you still selling your house and moving?
A.  Yes.  This week.  I'll spare you the next question:  we know we're crazy.


  1. You guys rock. Love following this adventure!

  2. Uncle Jim says Yupp !!!!!

  3. Looking forward to following along. Wishing you all the best.
