Tuesday, February 21, 2012

1 Year and 2 Days Later

It's been just over 1 year since we finished the first project house. Thankfully, we sold it super fast and the Oak Street home has been enjoying a new owner since last April. During the past year we have relaxed (we relaxed a LOT during the first couple of months after completion)and tried to plan our next project. The day is finally here. We have purchased a new project house and are planning on diggin' in this weekend. More to come...


  1. nice looking house. BRICK is good and Dad says the inside is in good condition so you must be going to reform the basement to the same splendor of your Edwardsburg home, nes pa? I'm excited to see what you two do !

  2. We're actually re-doing the entire house (thankfully)...not just the basement. Gutting the bathroom and kitchen today (and hopefully tearing down some of the walls on the main level as well). We got a lot done yesterday - anxious to see what we can do in the next 8 hours!

